Birds are part of everyone's lives. The beautiful plumages of feathers, ranging from those of the muted pastel greys and yellows of the Warbling Vireo to the iridescent Sparkling Violet-ear hummingbird. They are attractive and detailed, perfect subjects for photography.

To showcase birds in all their feathered glory, I bring you The Daily Feather. It will feature one photo per day. It may be of a plain bird or a vivid bird, but each is beautiful in its own way. I hope you will enjoy my photographs!

For more, check my DeviantART Gallery.


Friday, July 30, 2010

#6: Killdeer


Taken July 28, 2010, Virginia USA

Fun fact: When their nest is threatened, Killdeer fake a broken wing, and gradually lead the predator away from the nest.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

#5: Caspian Tern

Caspian Tern
Taken July 28, 2010, Virginia USA

Fun fact: The Caspian Tern is the largest Tern, and the oldest was 26 yrs old!

#4 Great Egret

Great Egret
Taken July 26, 2010, Virginia

Fun fact: The Great Egret is the symbol for the National Audobon Society.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

#3: Ruddy Turnstones

Ruddy Turnstones
Taken August 8, 2009, in Maine USA

Fun fact: The Ruddy Turnstone winters along every coastline except Antarctica.

all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Monday, July 26, 2010

#2: Savannah Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow
taken Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range, Jul 15, 2010

all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Primary Feather

Here it is! The first Daily Feather.

American Kestrel
Taken in Yellowstone National Park, July 17 2010

Welcome to the Daily Feather!

Birds are part of everyone's lives, be it negatively, positively, or neutrally. Some of us love birds more than others, making it our life's mission to document as many species as possible. It's an addicting hobby that can be shared with family and friends, even strangers! Birding can become a family or community interest, and it can bring people closer together. "Getting back to nature" happens every day for us birders. Ask any birder what the thrill is, and there will be a wide range of answers. For most, however, it is probably the colours. The beautiful plumages of feathers, ranging from those of the plain brown House Wren to the iridescent Sparkling Violet-ear hummingbird. Feathers have been used as tools, jewelry, clothing, or spiritual talismans. They are attractive and detailed, perfect subjects for artists and photographers.

To showcase birds in all their feathered glory, I bring you The Daily Feather. It will feature one photo per day. It may be a plain bird or a vivid bird, but each is beautiful in its own way. I hope you will enjoy my photographs!

For more, edited and artistic photos, check my DeviantART Gallery.
