Birds are part of everyone's lives. The beautiful plumages of feathers, ranging from those of the muted pastel greys and yellows of the Warbling Vireo to the iridescent Sparkling Violet-ear hummingbird. They are attractive and detailed, perfect subjects for photography.

To showcase birds in all their feathered glory, I bring you The Daily Feather. It will feature one photo per day. It may be of a plain bird or a vivid bird, but each is beautiful in its own way. I hope you will enjoy my photographs!

For more, check my DeviantART Gallery.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

I've been madder than a Blue Jay who found a hawk! This week has been crazy, hence the no-daily-feathers in a while. I'm truly sorry and I will get this site up and running again this week. I'll also have a post on my other blog, WILD AT HEART, so keep an eye out! Cooper's Hawks, Herons, and Sparrows galore...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

#27: Chipping Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow
Taken June 20, 2010 Carlisle Reservation WOA OH USA

Fun fact: These guys can live a long time-- one lived to be 11 yrs old!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

#26: Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler
Taken September 19, 2010, Sandy Ridge Reservation OH USA

Fun fact: The Shoveler's bill is 2.5in long, and features tiny projections that strain out the water while feeding.
All photos (C) Kristina Polk 2010; please do not redistribute

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sorry For The Inconvenience...

..but TDF will not have any new postings until Sunday. I am very sorry! Please visit my other blog, WILD AT HEART, for lots of great stories and photos!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

#25: Eastern Kingbird

Worn Summer Adult Eastern Kingbird
Taken June 5, 2010, The Wilds, OH USA

Fun fact: Eastern Kingbirds have a barely visible red crown patch.
All photos (C) Kristina Polk 2010; please do not redistribute

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

#24: Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Northern Rough Winged Swallow
Taken June 23, 2010 North Ridgeville OH USA

Fun fact: NRW swallows are the smallest of the North American swallows.
All photos (C) Kristina Polk 2010; please do not redistribute

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

#23: Eastern Phoebe

Eastern Phoebe and chicks
Taken June 28 2010 North Ridgeville OH USA

Fun fact: The Eastern Phoebe was the first bird to be banded in North America. It was banded by John James Audubon in 1804.
All photos (C) Kristina Polk 2010; please do not redistribute

Monday, September 13, 2010

#22: Lesser Yellowlegs

(Sorry for not posting yesterday; here is the Feather for September 13)

Lesser Yellowlegs
Taken September 2010 Sandy Ridge Reservation OH USA

Fun fact: Female YLLs leave their broods before the young can fly, leaving the male to tend to them.
All photos (C) Kristina Polk 2010; please do not redistribute

Sunday, September 12, 2010

#21: Green Heron

Green Heron
Taken September 12, 2010, Sandy Ridge Reservation OH USA

Fun fact: The Green Heron is one of the only birds to use bait (bread crumbs, twigs, etc) to attract fish.

All photos (C) Kristina Polk 2010; please do not redistribute

Saturday, September 11, 2010

#20: Common Eider

Female Common Eider
Taken August 8, 2009 (blast from the past!) Maine USA

Fun fact: Eiders swallow mussels whole; their stomachs crush the shells and excreted.

Friday, September 10, 2010

#19: Wilson's Phalarope

Female Wilson's Phalarope
Taken July 11, 2010 South Dakota USA

Fun fact: Wilson's Phalaropes swim in small circles while feeding, creating 'whirlpools'.
all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Thursday, September 9, 2010

#18: Blackpoll Warbler

Fall Blackpoll Warbler
(devouring her prey!)
Taken September 5, 2010, OH USA

Fun fact: On migration, the Blackpoll can fly 88 hours non stop! Talk about one way travel!
all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

#17: American Redstart

Immature Male American Redstart
Taken September 5, 2010 OH USA

Fun fact: Redstarts frequently fan their colourful tails when perched.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

#16: Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Immature Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Taken August 18, 2010, OH USA

(Sorry for two silhouette photos in a row; I just really liked this one.)

Fun fact: Ruby-throated hummingbirds migrate over 600 miles over the Gulf of Mexico!
all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Daily Feather Has Been Secondary

...on my to-do list. I am sincerely sorry for all who have awaited the next Daily Feather installment. With school starting up and summer ending, I have been busy with other things. I know this is a cliche excuse, but please forgive me. I have certainly taken lots of photographs of great birds and am eager to share! They will soon be up, starting at one for September 1st. What better way to return than to kick off the (belated) start of the month?

Check back soon,

Monday, September 6, 2010

#15: Mourning Dove

Mourning Dove
Taken August 25, Bob-O-Link Golf Course, OH, USA

Fun fact: The oldest known Mourning Dove was 31 years old!
all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Sunday, September 5, 2010

#14: American Goldfinch

Female American Goldfinch (top) feeds her begging fledgling (bottom)
Taken August 25, 2010, North Ridgeville, OH, USA

Fun fact: The American Goldfinch is the only finch that molts its feathers twice a year.
Also, juveniles are an orangish colour (as seen above) and females are a darker olive-yellow. Males are bright yellow and black.
all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Saturday, September 4, 2010

#13: Spotted Sandpiper

Nonbreeding Spotted Sandpiper
Taken August 25, 2010, Bob-O-Link Golf Course, OH USA

(Isn't the name of the golf course fitting for a bird sighting? If you don't know, a Bobolink is a real bird. )

Fun fact: The female can store sperm up to one month; the brood may be cared for by one male but fathered by another.

all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Friday, September 3, 2010

#12: Chestnut-sided Warbler

Immature Chestnut-sided Warbler
Taken August 25, 2010 North Ridgeville, OH USA

Fun fact: One of the Chestnut-sided Warbler's songs is rendered into pleased-to-MEETCHA

all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Thursday, September 2, 2010

#11: Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron
(scaring Canada Geese)
Taken August 28, 2010, North Ridgeville OH USA

(Sorry For low quality; the computer didn't let me save the photo in .png)

Fun fact: In Florida, the white and dark morphs of the GBH overlap in breeding ranges, causing the uncommon "Wurdemann's herons" , which have a white head but a dark body!
all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

#10: Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk
Taken August 28, 2010, North Ridgeville, OH USA

Fun fact: Red-tailed hawks come in many different variations of colour, including the pale 'Krider's Morph' and the dark 'Harlan's Hawk'. Red-tails also have various subspcies, like the eastern borealis or the western furtesi.

all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute