Birds are part of everyone's lives. The beautiful plumages of feathers, ranging from those of the muted pastel greys and yellows of the Warbling Vireo to the iridescent Sparkling Violet-ear hummingbird. They are attractive and detailed, perfect subjects for photography.

To showcase birds in all their feathered glory, I bring you The Daily Feather. It will feature one photo per day. It may be of a plain bird or a vivid bird, but each is beautiful in its own way. I hope you will enjoy my photographs!

For more, check my DeviantART Gallery.


Monday, September 6, 2010

#15: Mourning Dove

Mourning Dove
Taken August 25, Bob-O-Link Golf Course, OH, USA

Fun fact: The oldest known Mourning Dove was 31 years old!
all photos (C) Kristina Polk; do not redistribute

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